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Las Vegas

abdallah alajame | 8:44 PM |

Las Vegas

Las Vegas is the largest city in the state of Nevada is famous for the U.S. with the number of casinos (the role of gambling) in it. A population of 534.847inhabitants (2004), and with a population of around about 1.7 million people.Las Vegas is the seat of Clark County.

The exchange rate is more than $ 8 million a year on Alabahiat.
Known for each of renowned artists such as Elvis Presley, Frank Sinatra, Celine Dion and others through their work in the city. The city is a lot of small churchesin which the marriage ceremony, which are made according to the laws of the city quickly and supple great


 Las Vegas is a tourist center and the art world is important, as visited by nearly37 million tourists a year. Quarter revenue coming from tourism revenue comes from casinos, and return three-quarters of the revenue comes Ktmakr entry andgifts.

NOTE : The right of OwnerShip Of All Videos That Are Displayed in This Page From Youtube And back to it's Owner CaliforniaTravelTips 


abdallah alajame | 3:29 PM |

OahuOahu island and dubbed the name (The Gathering Place) is the most developed of the Hawaiian islands, wherein live more than 75% of the total population of the Hawaiian islands combined.

Zayer find the island of Oahu a lot of beautiful tourist sites, and these places more attractive to tourists and visitors is the area (Waikiki), the island's natural beauty and the beauty of the surrounding mountains as well as the beaches of the world makes it a place worth to visit without dispute.

WaikikiThe first areas that will speak about the island of Oahu and is the district of Akika In Akika and gather the largest number of visitors to the Hawaiian Islands group.Hotels and Akika the many and the many floors and located in an area of ​​less than 3 sq km Taamn more than about 60,000 Zaeriha room, and because the number of residents in this area is extremely large, it is where there is a lot of fun and entertainment.

More places and Akika Jzbn for visitors is its coast, which is more than beaches of the world safe and fun for visitors, Valbaladafah to the waters warm and sand blasters Alda and maintain excellent, it Basttah anyone swimming in the water and thanks to the wall sea which was built to keep large fish outside its borders.In addition to swimming in the waters of the beach, the sport can learn Mrtadah Serfnq (Alrkpjh) at night or wander in the markets of the beach or eating in the many diverse restaurants.

Diamond Head and Maunalua BayDiamond is the top of a mountain crater formed by volcanic explosion of gases beneath the ground.
A series of corridors and stairways and tunnels that have been created in the middle of the last century lead to the scenic summit at the top of Diamond.Due to the heat somewhat in the day and limited parking, it is better to go to the start of corridors leading to the summit so as to avoid the stress caused by the Zayed to walk a long distance during the heat of the sun during the day in the island of Oahu.And from the top of the mountain will enjoy the whole island to see Zayer nature and picturesque beaches.The Bay Maonaloa located in the east of the island is a beautiful place for relaxation and recreation clubs to see they are rowing racing boats on the traditional Hawaiian .

Peaks of high-rise adjacent to the ocean
Falls waste water from high altitudes .. Birds and flowers of all colors .. Pacific Shores weigh. T the islands from all sides .. Held forth in charming views to the extent that other, as I heard, they fear for themselves, believing they were hallucinations so they start imagining things or scenes that do not exist, while they are in truth they see and live the dream that for years have been wishful thinking, a visit to this charming island.


In Hawaii alone, without other parts of the world, one can in one day to practice mountain climbing and snow skiing, surfing and swimming with dolphins, play with giant tortoises, and fishing and enjoying the fire and water meet. Prior to immortalize for sleep monitoring can enjoy the stars and listen to the screams of demons (rustling trees).

Access to the airport in the capital Honolulu was about the fourth afternoon, after a journey that took eight hours and a half hours cut off the plane in which more than 5,600 miles non-stop .. Once you disembark from the plane smiles welcome greets you with the word Aloha Aloha to hesitate on every tongue .. Received in writing on the walls of the airport, and you know that the title is carried by the Hawaii «Aloha State» an expression of welcome to visitors.

 Nearly two hours after the cessation of our appointment with the second plane to take us to the island of Hawaii, which has become known as the Big Island, a relatively short trip lasting only 40 minutes. And from the airport straight to the hotel to take a break before engaging in the details of the program track, which includes visits to the volcanic peaks and black sand beach.

The next day, and with the early morning hours, started our rental car to the tops of Kilo - Wa. After less than an hour of driving on the highway No. 11 amid heavy black volcanic rock covered by hundreds of thousands of coffee trees, began to smell sulfur gas leaking into the car despite the closure of all ports .. On both sides of the road signboards advises heart patients not to continue or asthma the way.

Warning for patients with heart and respiratory
At the main gate to enter the region of volcanoes, another warning more clearly than his predecessors indicates that the nearest medical center is just over ten kilometers, and there was no need to take the risk if you suffer from any heart disease or respiratory system. Official figures show that the amount of sulfur dioxide emitted from the cracks in the region close to 2500 tons per day.

Once you cross the gate, after paying a fee, of course, a visitor sees on both sides of the road craters small steam rising from it, which indicates that the depths of boiling lava, which wait for the moment of departure. It is possible to stop the car and take pictures with hundreds of visitors gather around each slot floor. Everyone wants photo ops, and underlines that the most beautiful view of the nature of the angry face of the earth.

The area of ​​the region, which they call park volcanoes, 333 thousand acres, ranging in altitude from sea level and the summit «Mona - if» above the 13,677 feet above sea level. The visitor can continue driving in many parts of the park, but some areas remain closed due to gravity, where the lava turned into a real hell. The lava can be seen through the magnifying endoscopy and sometimes with the naked eye, especially at night.

Near the summit there is a museum dedicated to the presentation of models for rocks and lava .. And near the observatory to follow the movement of the depths, especially that associated with earthquakes, volcanic activity as well.

We know that the top of Kilo - Wa, whose name means the language of the people of the country «many vomiting», activated abruptly in the third of January 1983 and remains at the top of its activities, and thus it is considered the longest active, in time, between all volcanoes the world over the known history.

Beware the wrath of Madame BillyLegend has it that the top of Kilo - Wa are the gods dwelling or Madame Billy Billy, as he calls the people of the country, which is the most respected and a cause for fear among the gods. It was the indigenous population, and for hundreds of years, worshiping in the region to satisfy Madame Bailey and avoid the wrath of the rising lava. Many still offer vows to the gods on the sides of craters, the belief that they still exist at the vertices which are impossible to reach.

Experts estimate that the summit kilo - WA, visited by more than two million five hundred thousand people a year, throw a thousand gallons of molten lava every second. Experts estimate that the summit shot during the past 25 years enormous amounts of molten rock at close to two billion cubic yards, enough to pave a two-track through the length of two million kilometers, the length of this road enough to wrap around the planet fifty times.

Since the outbreak of lava from its crater a quarter of a century, this lava swept 13 km from the highway and more than 200 houses, and covered more than 16 thousand acres so far.

When erupts volcano pushes molten lava like a river of fire raging in the path of a length of nearly 12 miles before emptying into the ocean in view of enchanting impossible to forget, as they hit the fire (2500 degrees on a scale Fahrenheit) water (75 degrees) are issued sounds like a Bedouin crackers severe and mounts steam hundreds of feet, where you can see the flaming lava as it sinks before it freezes to add new areas to the Big Island. Experts say the volcano added to the island more than 560 acres since the first revolution.

It places are advised to visit tunnel lava frozen, a tunnel under the ravine length three-quarters of kilometer almost inside a mountain of volcanic rock, lit a bit from the inside but water seeping from the cracks Wiczadh the desolation, especially when it narrows the tunnel is nearly head bumping the ceiling, Faihs Visitor like close to suffocation.At the end of the tunnel, or what he thinks he finally possible to see where in the light of day, he discovers that the visitor for the sequel to the tunnel but it is not lit and very rugged. Says the sign installed at the entrance, the access to this area is the responsibility of the visitor who has to carry a lamp to illuminate his way.

After the sun sets an hour or less, we heard over loudspeakers warning of a significant increase in the amount of sulfur dioxide in the atmosphere, including Vaktefina we saw and we decided to return to the hotel in the hope of implementation of the program on the second day of the trip ten days.

Black sand beachOn the second day, before seven in the morning, we were on our way to the black sand beach, which lies about thirty kilometers. Sands of this beach is magnificent black Vahma remnants of lava, the color reflected on the ocean seems black is the other.

Because of the presence of rocks under the surface of the water close to the beach, located in the region, hundreds of species of colorful fish and turtles, which constitutes a magnet is difficult for the lovers of diving or fishing or swimming resistance. It seems I am from the third category and the proof that I forgot the time and I'm on the beach, which is unparalleled anywhere else, and did not pay close attention only after the sun was absent that day.

As they say, should the visitor not to forget that in the Big Island, which means a lot of driving if you want to enjoy nature, charming, and often he has to leave the car and go a few kilometers on foot away from the roads paved or unpaved, and that to access areas of pristine beauty that are not contaminated by human hands.

The observation of starsIf you are a fan of follow-up to the stars, you do not need more from the perspective of a close and the jacket to prevent cold night. Vsme Hawaii net in most days of the year is the best in the world to follow the stars. At the tops of the state observatories belonging to one of the ten countries, including two that are the largest in the world, in order to monitor deep space.

 CoffeeHawaii is famous for cultivation of coffee, where farms are spread over hundreds of kilometers of mountain roads, where the black volcanic soil.Visitors can stop in any of the dozens of places allocated for the sale of green coffee or roasted, or to drink a cup of coffee is very fresh.

WhalesReflect Hawaii whale waters close to shore during the period between December and April of each year. The perfect place to see with the naked eye is the airport Kahalo - Wa in the Big Island.

RainbowIn the morning, you can enjoy watching the largest rainbow in the world, reflected daylight between the top of Akaka waterfall which rises 442 feet and the ocean

NOTE : The right of OwnerShip Of All Videos That Are Displayed in This Page From Youtube      And back to it's Owner TravelChannelTv.

Czech Republic

abdallah alajame | 5:48 PM |

Czech Republic: Czech Republic terminology associated with therapeutic spa a hospital for the treatment of some diseases, treatment of natural mineral water and mud. Where you can enjoy skiing in the Czech Republic in the snow and visit the places Altaarichah, castles and palaces.

Czech Republic is divided current into two parts: - the territory of the province Buhima Marvia.Described the state of the Czech Republic in the field of skeletal physiotherapy. In it inexhaustible sources of groundwater and the healing nature of the charming and relatively mild weather and the potential scientific and medical and technical huge, and the number and range of spas equipped with the latest tools, medical devices and the finest of qualified personnel.

Population of the Czech Republic: - 10.272 million (according to statistics in 200)The border area - bordered by Germany to the west and the north of Poland and Slovakia to the east and Austria to the south. An area of ​​78864 square km. The percentage of more than 80% of the area tourist areas.

Czech historical: - Located in the Czech Republic, Central Europe, which is surrounded by mountains and hills on all sides.Currency: - Cron CzechDollar = 22 kronor.Weather: - the atmosphere in the Czech Republic in the months of July and August with mild punish the four seasons of the year and rainy in many cases.And tends to cool in the early morning hours and the night where the average temperature in the coldest days of the year (January) is about (-5) degrees Celsius.
The most important cities: Prague - capitalIs the capital and largest city of Czech Republic, the city has a long history for more than a thousand years, was developed at the intersection of strategic routes across the European continent.Often called the City Tower percent because of their own churches and towers. Prague is the cultural center and Alsnaa of the Czech Republic and the main commercial center as well.Unlike Central Europe, the city was seriously damaged in World War II (1993-1945) and keep one of the most beautiful cities on the continent.Since the fall of communism in 1989, Prague has become a major tourist mark in Europe.Restaurants and cafes - restaurants in the area Mostic. There are two restaurants, two Arab Tunisian court and restaurant Galilee Palestinians.But unfortunately, the norm of all Arab restaurants in Europe, their prices expensive. There are also several Italian restaurants at cheap prices and wonderful, almost $ 2 There is also a Pizza Hut and McDonald's in the same region and there are many wonderful restaurants, gorgeous Czech.Medical Tourism: - because the development of physical therapy in the Czech Republic to the late eighteenth century when it was the role of physiotherapy in the country, which is characterized by the number of countless mineral springs net, at her side two rows of columns, trees, called those passages therapeutic as Alcolnadeh .Comes all visitors to the spa therapeutic from around the world, and to this day boasts a spa towns of Karlovy Vary and Tiblatse that the Russian Czar Peter had addressed it, add to the English King Edward VII and aristocratic famous Albrecht Valdastein, and they frequent it often, as reported by senior Europeans intellectuals in the modern era such as Goethe, Schiller, Beethoven, Wagner, and many others

And turn clinics to become centers of social, cultural and Help My trips cruise, offering programs, recreation, rehabilitation and renewal activity and resistance to stress, also offers many sporting activities such as golf, cycling, running, improving physical fitness, tennis, among others.

Nature reserves: - Czechoslovak government turned the old Moravia area, which is characterized by chains of high mountains covered by dense forests and through which many of the rivers and canals small and large, into a nature reserve in 1956 AD.Tours of the caves are considered marketable of tourism, which made its way to these areas after the campaign has allowed the discovery of most of the caves where the incident early thirties of the last century.Includes the mountains of Chomava hundreds of caves, natural, extended area protected of which 92 square kilometers, divided into caves Chomava to two types of hand walls and ceilings engineering natural, including what is known Bamoarat dry, and these are the walls of crystals crystal hanging to the lower geometric wonderful, broadcast colors spectral beautiful extremely. Also including the caves that are wet roofs geometric shapes glass of ice and frozen hanging in different sizes.Castles and palaces: - There are more than a thousand castles, historic palace is one of the most prominent and most important features of cultural heritage in the country at their historically significant, and the state owns the majority of castles and palaces in the country, but returned many of them to the owners of the sons and heirs breeds aristocracy of ancient and institutions of different religious, the owners restoration of the property according to the nature of the original and opened its doors to visitors.At present there are approximately sixty castles, palaces and ruins, written in a cultural relics of national importance, and some are also recorded in the log (Cultural Heritage and Natural Heritage) of the UNESCO.Vacations and holidays: - most of the banks and government offices attached to their doors in the days of Saturday, Sunday and public holidays.Shops also close on Sundays and public holidays, while supermarkets and hypermarkets, mostly open without restricting specific days later, you can in these days to visit museums, galleries, music fairs or restaurants.Allsmh holidays: - on the separation of the Czech Republic on January 1,Celebrations of the emergence of independent Czech Republic Czechoslovak Republic after the split on January 1,Victory Day May 8: - This festival is held on the anniversary of the independence of the Czechoslovak Republic prior to the hands of Allied forces in May 1945.
Museums and galleries historic buildingsOpen museums and galleries and institutions throughout the days of the year from ten am to six pm every day except Monday in the habit.The historic buildings open to visitors in the tourist season the President from 1/5 to 30/9 each year and that every day from nine in the morning until five in the afternoon except Mondays and holidays or public holidays, and permeate the work schedules of these buildings rest day between twelve and one in the afternoon and in monthly April / May and October / October Not open to the castles and palaces to visitors only on Saturdays and Sundays in the winter Vnglq in most cases.

Electric currentUsed in various parts of the Republic of the current Type 220 volts and can be used to power tools that are consistent with European standards such as shavers or hair dryers in the majority of Czech hotelsHolidays and public holidaysExcept Saturdays, Sundays, which make up the weekends, the holidays are:January 1 New Year holiday Easter holiday accident Monday in the springMay 1 / May Holiday WorkersMay 8 / May national holiday - Holiday liberation from fascismJuly 5th national festival - day Saints and the Salafi Tcyril MatodaaJuly 6th a national holiday memory of the teacher and religious reformer AanaosOctober 28 / October the Czech National Day - Holiday Independence and the founding of the independent Republic of Czechoslovakia in 1918December 24 / December Holiday Dinner Holy - light Birthdays26/25 December / December BirthdaysThe most important cities and clinics:Are found in many of the republics of the Czech medical clinics that provide physical therapy and early booking is advisable and across the commercial agent before going to the Czech Republic from the most prominent of these clinics:There are ten major clinics for physiotherapy in the Republic:In Carr to Vary(Resort Carl relative to the most famous kings of the Czech republic) has been built resort Carr Luffy Vary in 1358 by order of Emperor Charles IV and received over the centuries many of the emperors and kings and aristocrats and Russian artists such as Beethoven and Goethe and Vaganz living Carlo, Vary as usual throughout the ages the life of a cultural, social, and Karlovy Vary is the largest and the most important and most clinics here at all.

 Fame is not limited to the 12 springs, but also extends to the production of water, "Matona" famous mineral and glass and crystal, porcelain, ornamental jewelery and souvenirs of the rare stones. These clinics specialize in the treatment of diseases of the digestive system and lower limbs and metabolic diseases, obesity, diabetes and cholesterol.Mariinsky Lazne (Marianske Lazne):Characterized by acidic groundwater for its water saturated Balhdidotaat_khass character in the treatment of kidney diseases and urinary tract, bronchi and upper limbs and lower metabolism and disease and women. And transitions and organic skin diseases and the role of recovery of neurological diseases and cases of physical injuryFrantiskovy Lazne (Frantiskove Lazne): Located in the far west of the country and which 21 springs of mineral water and swamps of iron sulfur helps in the treatment of cardiovascular diseases and infertility, women and trouble the parties and the musculoskeletal system (arms and legs muscles.

Jansky Lazne (Janske Lazne): Uribe, the first center for the treatment of polio and the effects of burns.And also specializes in the treatment of chronic neurological diseases, and respiratory system.Treat the effects of paralysis and nerve and muscle diseases and the role of convalescence after surgery and physical injuriesBodibrade (Podebrady): located in the valley of the River Abe, 50 km from the capital Prague and groundwater-rich compounds of iron have the effect of Shafi to treat diseases of the heart and arteries and Alskero treat heart defects and post-heart attack, high blood pressure.To Ohachevatse (Luhacovice): Located in the south-east Moravia and specializes in the treatment of digestive and respiratory organs and limbs and treatment of bronchitis and diseases of the digestive system, diabetes and obesity.Trchipun (Trebon): located in the south and surrounded by forests on all sides and called the old city where the city of lakes and natural wetlands specialize in here in the treatment of the parties after the accident. And treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

Teplice (Teplice): characterized by its water springs of the old city of Atomic Radiation Agrgen and compounds, carbon and sodium fluoride salts. This rare chemical composition makes them extremely useful in the treatment of diseases of the circulatory and inflammatory effects of the brain and bone marrow and the parties Aharkho treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system, arteries, and neurological diseases.
Jáchymov (Jachymov):The town of Jáchymov on the high green mountains in the north west of the capital Prague on the border with Germany and away from the Prague airport about 150 km and is available in mineral water of high quality and that because they contain metal radon as well as other minerals that help the healing of the inflammation of nerves and tension muscles, where the first clinics to treat radioactive element radon in all the world.

Here Madame Curie discovered the first two elements Msain: radium and polonium. Is concerned with treating injuries Jáchymov Spa parties treat rheumatism, paralysis, neurological diseases and organic troubles configuration. Diseases of the spine in general, and joint pain and muscle tension and tendon and paraplegia resulting from stroke and rehabilitation after surgery and fracturesAnd has achieved positive results is very high I move those of our customers from the Gulf region in generalAnd there are several resorts in Jáchymov differ in levels between the medium and good and most important of these resorts: excellentExcellent degree of radium Radium Palace PalaceA good degree Behonnek AlbhonkDegrees above the Curie Curie mediumEsenak (Jesenik): Located in the far north of Moravia at the foot of Mount Esenak. Here was the actual beginning of the science of physical therapy groundwater. Specializes in the treatment of respiratory disease and circulatory problems and diseases of the thyroid gland, women, and childhood illnesses and diseases, mental and skin diseases. And water treatment treatment of pneumonia and chronic asthma, thyroid, and the system of vessels and arteries Kulbahohnak in the Republic of numerous sanatoriums other smaller and each has his specialty as well.

Prague protect a • in the presentation of the cities will not impose my style, but you will convey to you the collection of views of cities from the official sites or Menendaan conversational manner and that their owners to enjoy the journey with different eyes put some of the comments and Never Ending Note repeated with some information.

• Prague million foreign visitors every year, roam fascinated in the most beautiful European cities of Prague, which you can see the beauty picturesque of a hills seven surrounding its position as the historic old or from one side blamed her (Vltava) carrot of eight and bold eighteen I left for centuries and centuries of historical development are the hallmarks of all schools of architecture known architecture Roman buildings and gothic architecture of the Renaissance and the lack of Baroque and architecture of the early twentieth century was not a coincidence that the record raised the Prague historical in the list of UNESCO (known as the cultural heritage world) and from Prague carries visitors unforgettable memories, particularly the beauty of architectural masterpiece (CastlePrague), seat of Czech kings in the past and the Presidency now when you look at it from one side of the Vltava Ttaek Cathedral of St. Veit strength magnificent Gothic slim. In Prague you can stay in first class hotel and spend time on the best, and is also available to other groups of visitors a large number of various other housing including Abannsionat and camps.

And up the cultural life Albrgah technical effectiveness to peak in the spring of each year, the organization of festivals and gardens Prague old and perhaps Tgtzpkm also the alleys of Prague, the old winding or pubs popular history that were councils of the most prominent faces of the Czech capital throughout the ages, and the suburbs of Prague includes also what is seen there the valley of the River Vltava Bkhozanath water and there are also castles and palaces were established in the Middle Ages (Carlstein Krevoclat and Konopasta).We can not ignore the history enthusiast Kutná Hora second most important city in the past its buildings Czech Gothic impressive

• Prague is a magical city of bridges, historic and religious buildings, domes and towers and churches painted with gold. But it is also a modern European capital on the banks of the Vltava River for more than ten centuries. Prague and also a city of coexistence and integration Elfriede type among the various schools of architecture, the capital of tracks full of romance and architectural treasures of the amount of value in its historic center.

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